Attitude is the difference maker!

“Attitude isn’t everything, but it is one thing that can make a difference in your life. “

– John Maxwell, Leadership Expert, Author – The Difference Maker 

woman in formal coats sitting in front of table

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How to avoid death by Powerpoint

How to avoid death by Powerpoint by David JP Phillips

2017 World Series Champions

Houston Astros winning 2017 World Series-1

Houston Astros 2017 World Series Champions

One Small Step toward your dreams is really one giant leap toward your destiny.

-Richard Elmes, The Sales Dating Guy

Motivational Quote: Champions desire

2017 District 10 Baseball Champion Guelph GaelsChampions are propelled by desire, not compelled by fear. 

– Author, Speaker, Denis Waitley

Why things Catch on (and become Contagious) – Video Book Summary


How leaders get the most out of their folks

Confidence Boost


“Don’t underestimate the positive impact you can have on someone’s life when you help boost their confidence.” – Richard Elmes

Our brokenness

Crying eye

“It is in our brokenness, that our greatest opportunities are revealed.”                                 Dan B. Allender Ph.D, Christian therapist, Author, Professor, and Speaker

How to stand out from the Crowd

The longer I live the longer I come to this conclusion on how you can stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Whether in your business or personal life.


And it amazes me how simple this concept is.

It is something that everyone can do.

It is something that doesn’t add anything to your expenses.

It isn’t even something that requires a ton of intelligence.

But yet, the number of people who are doing it is surprisingly low.

So what is it?

Do what you say you are going to do when you said you were going to do it!!!

Sounds like an easy concept to grasp. But it is not often practiced.

Think of it this way, when someone promises to do something and fails to follow through on that promise we get frustrated.

Why is this?

I believe Paster Dave Ralph (Lakeside Church) said it best when he said,

“Frustration happens when we have a gap between expectations and reality.”

Let me explain; When you promise to do something, you set an expectation in the other person’s mind (whether it is your prospect, your customer, your spouse, your kids, your boss or even yourself).

When you don’t live up to that promise and come up short, you have let that person down. They will trust you a little less and you have damaged the relationship.

But when you live up to your promise, you built that trust and enhance your relationship.

“When you exceed your customers expectations your customer will be delighted.”

– Jim Clemmer, Author, Speaker, Leadership Guru

The reason for this is that they can now count on you and when they can count on you, you become less of a risk. The cool thing is that most of the time you get to choose.

Choose wisely and stand out from the crowd, enhance your relationships and increase your sales.